I'd like to find a good bilingual travel agent to help with reservations, etc. My Japanese is basic but I could probably handle the reservations myself, but I think a native speaker could help us out a lot, especially if we're going to stay in traditional ryokan during our visit. Many of those places have websites, but not many are in English. The ones that seem to cater to foreigners like the
Japanese Inn Group aren't all that nice (although they are cheap). So, help from a native speaker would go a long way in making reservations.
I'd like to stay in Ryokan as much as possible. Many include meals, and I imagine that food is really good. I'll eat most anything as long as it's not alive. At least, I'll try it once. The prices range from $50-$200 a night... per person! But, that includes 2 meals in a lot of cases. So, we might be able to justify it. I'm not at the point yet where I start budgeting. Basically it's still the information gathering stage.
I've found some good links regarding ryokan, but I think I'll put them in a seperate entry.