There's also what's billed as a Low Country Zoo (as in the Low Country of SC). Part of that exhibit contains something out of a nightmare. No, 1000's of things out of a nightmare. Imagine if you will a 10 ft by 10 ft barn stall completely filled with cob webs. Why so many cob webs? BECAUSE OF ALL THE FUCKING SPIDERS. The spider below was one of thousands, each one about the size of your fist. Just waiting, waiting for the perfect chance to jump in your hair and get tangled there. Fortunately, this did not happen to us, but I feel that it very well could have. It freaked me the hell out.
I balled up a piece of leaf and tossed it in one of the webs. The legged thing bolted over and grab the leaf and started nomming on it, it's little fangs twitching. Eventually it decided that the leaf wasn't food and let it fall to the ground. These things are killing machines!