I started this blog a while ago to kind of keep track of things that
interest me. Looking back, it's a pretty scattered collection of
thoughts. What this medium is going to evolve into, I don't know
exactly. I think I'm going to start posting here again.
My life these days revolves around my wife (Jen) and my dog (Claire).
My primary obsession these days is still studying Japanese and
spending time in Japan. The former I can realize, the latter is more
day dreaming than anything. Photography is still a big interest,
although we haven't taken many shots lately. We still play World of
Warcraft pretty regularly, but I feel more and more like it's a drain
on our energy and that I'm left with nothing to show for it.
So, I'll try fill up this space with things that interest me on the
off chance that it might interest someone else.
Here's our girl. She's a lot bigger than this now, but this is the best puppy pic that we have.